Ways to Prevent Tobacco Smoking

Combustion is the problem of the conventional tobacco smoking. When burned, all combustible matter produces toxins, including carcinogens, the substances cause cancers. Tobacco smoking is like burning dirty. The temperature of burning cigarette is low and inconsistent, and oxygen supply is scarce. Few toxins are specific to the burning of tobacco leaves; and a lot are simply in the smoke because organic material is being burnt. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,700 chemical compounds including more than 50 known carcinogens. No threshold level of exposure to cigarette smoke has been defined but there is conclusive evidence to indicate that long-term smoking greatly increases the likelihood of developing numerous fatal conditions, such as lung cancer and other lung conditions.

Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 85% of lung cancers and is also associated with cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, uterine cervix, kidney, ureter, bladder and colon. Cigarette smoking has also been linked to leukemia. Apart from the carcinogenic aspects of cigarette smoking, links to increased risks of cardiovascular diseases (including stroke), sudden death, cardiac arrest, peripheral vascular disease and aortic aneurysm have also been established. Many components of cigarette smoke have also been characterized as Ciliotoxic materials that irritate the lining of the respiratory system resulting in increased bronchial mucus secretion and chronic decreases in pulmonary and mucociliary function. Besides the significant negative impacts on the tobacco smokers, the second-hand smokes causes similar detrimental effects on peoples around the smokers. There is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke.

100% smoke-free environments is the only way to protect everyone from the harmful effects of tobacco smoking. The best way to prevent tobacco dependence is to not smoke in the first place. It is important to remember that nicotine, the active component in tobacco, is highly addictive. Some people could not resist it after smoking cigarette only once.

Instead of thinking of smoking, there are a lot of heath ways to make you fit and happy. Some examples are listed below.

Exercise regularly

Exercise is a key to get fit and may be a way to generate smoking effects by generating stimulating factors, such as acetylcholine, dopamine, endorphins, and enkephalins, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and serotonin etc, for the high effects. Additionally, it is a superb tension reducer and your entire body will have a fantastic possibility to recuperate from many years of cell deterioration. Make sure you go forward one step at a time; do not drive yourself too much. Consult your doctor prior to starting any type of workout program, if you have any health conditions

Have a proper diet

Cigarette smoking robs your system of vital minerals and vitamins, which will have to be recouped when you finally kick the habit. This is realized by maintaining a balanced eating routine throughout and following the quitting process. Minimize your liquor, tea and coffee consumption; take in lots of organic vegetables, fruits, brans, nuts and seeds; and look at your calorie and fat intake, as excess pounds can easily be taken on when you stop smoking, especially without resorting to nicotine replacement.

Stay hydrated

Drink enough water to keep your body hydrated and eliminate unhealthy chemical substances, including nicotine. Your tobacco urges can even be substantially reduced if you consume enough liquids.

Get rid of the smoking reminders

Dispose of any reminders of your smoking years, including lighters, cigarette receptacles and cigarettes. Do not coax yourself and steer clear of it at all costs. The tiniest reminder could make you run back to your awful addiction.

 Find help

Get all the support you can obtain from buddies, family and co-workers. Try to talk these people into giving up cigarette smoking with you. A team attempt is far more powerful than attempting a really hard job all on your own.

Promote smoke-free environments

Support legislation to make all workplaces smoke-free. Encourage smoke-free public places, including restaurants or other places.

Support legislation to increase taxes on tobacco products. Higher prices discourage teens from starting to smoke. Higher prices on tobacco products, coupled with smoke-free workplace laws, are the most effective public health policies to reduce smoking in adults and prevent young people from ever starting.

What makes it hard for you to stop smoking? Let me know in the comment below, perhaps I could help.



5 thoughts on “Ways to Prevent Tobacco Smoking

  1. Hi Anthony, for years, I’ve been trying to tell my brother to stop smoking. At one point, he was determined to do it for the sake of the kids, but addiction won him over. You mentioned about support group and I think that’s what he need. Where do I find these groups and how can I persuade him to join? He can be a bit stubborn. Thanks for your help.

    1. Hi Cathy, Nicotine addiction is very difficult to resolve. You are right we need support group to help people to quit smoking. If you are in US, there is a nation-wide quit smoking telephone support line 1-800-Quit Now. This program offers free support from a trained quit smoking counselor. If you tell me your location, I may help you to fine locate support group. Face to face discussion and support may benefit more. If you have any question, feel free to let me know and I will try my best to help. Good luck with brother’s quit efforts!

  2. Hello Anthony, I am so amazed at how much this addiction takes up time in people’s lives. I know people who work their schedule around when to smoke. And those that are so addicted, even after major illness get released from the hospital and immediately go buy smokes. What do you tell people who are that addicted?
    Many thanks for this truly great article.

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