We have been spending most of our time and efforts on how to quit tobacco smoking. The work was summarized in my eBook: Rebrand Smoking for a Healthy Choice and Please click HERE to download the FREE eBook.

Now we enter next phase of our project, how to remove the toxins from your body and detox, or detoxify, your body.
We live in a very chaotic world. We also live in a very polluted world, including pollutants from smoking and second hand smoking. You probably don’t need me to remind you of this fact. There are all sorts of pollution surrounding us although government around the world are working hard to cut down on physical pollution.
I am, of course, talking about pollutants that make their way into our air, water, and food. The environmental protection agencies around the world, despite whatever issues it has, has done a generally good job of protecting citizens from physical and chemical pollutants.
The same can be said of the food and drug agencies around the world. Thanks to their vigilance, they have done an outstanding job making sure that most of the food items that make their way to our table are generally safe.
Of course, there are certain issues that we can nitpick over like genetically modified organism (GMO) and certain types of chemical residues. Still, it can’t be denied that, by and large, the developed countries are fairly well-protected against the sources of pollution.
Despite these efforts, it is apparent that pollutants are still beyond our control. It is no doubt that there are issues in air quality, water quality, and food safety.
Types of Human Body Toxins
Anything that is not useful material, the human body can respond to as a toxin. All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy. Toxins or poisons that are not useful for bodily functions and their accumulation leads to disease and accelerated aging. The four types of body toxins are:
- Environmental toxins, these are external toxins we accumulate from the environment around us and here are some examples:
- Cigarette smoke
- Air, water, and food pollution
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Medications
- Stimulants
- Chemicals in processed foods
- Pesticides
- Inhaled aerosols and cleaning agents
- Dental materials
- Animal and insect bites
- Microorganisms, such as bacteria, virus, and fungi
- And many more
- Endogenous toxins, these are made within the human body. Undigested food residue resulting from heavy diet or poor digestion can nevertheless create blockages and impair circulation. If it sits too long in the physiology, it ferments and creates toxic environment for human body. Depending on where they are seated, they can cause different inflammatory reactions and diseases.
- Autogenous toxins, these are all made by you yourself. Everyone has these autogenous toxins. They are simply a way of the body dumping out the dead materials, as a result of the natural metabolic process. So they are completely natural, but they can still act as a toxins to your body causing some undesired outcome.
- Electromagnetic frequency (EMF) and Electromagnetic radiation (EMR), These are toxins from microwaves, cell phones, computers, wireless internet, TV screens, electric shock, lightning, leaking of nuclear plants, and more. EMF is like synthetic Life Force – it looks and functions like living energy, but it disrupts our energy meridians and nervous system. High doses of radiation (EMR) are extremely toxic and life-threatening.

In small amounts these toxins are considered safe, but when accumulated in the body over time, they can become harmful. Some signs of this initial stage of mild toxicity include:
- White coating on the tongue
- Bad breath
- Mucus in the throat or sinuses
- Fatigue
- Lack of taste perception
- Heavy head
How Do Toxins Enter Your Body?
There are five routes by which a toxin can enter the body: inhalation, skin absorption, eye absorption, ingestion, and injection.
- Inhalation, for most toxins in the form of vapors, gases, mists, or particulates. Inhalation is the major route of entry. Once inhaled, toxins are either exhaled or deposited in the respiratory tract. If deposited, damage can occur through direct contact with tissue or the chemical may diffuse into the blood through the lung-blood interface. Upon contact with tissue in the upper respiratory tract or lungs, toxins may cause health effects ranging from simple irritation to severe tissue destruction. Toxins absorbed into the blood are circulated and distributed to organs that have an affinity for that particular toxins. Health effects can then occur in the organs, which are sensitive to the toxin.
- Skin absorption, skin contact can cause effects that are relatively harmless, such as redness or mild dermatitis; more severe effects include destruction of skin tissue or other debilitating conditions. Many toxins can also cross the skin barrier and be absorbed into the blood system. Once absorbed, they may produce systemic damage to internal organs.
- Eye absorption, the eyes are particularly sensitive to toxins. Even a short exposure can cause severe effects to the eyes or the toxin can be absorbed through the eyes and be transported to other parts of the body causing harmful effects.
- Ingestion, toxins that inadvertently get into the mouth and are swallowed do not generally harm the gastrointestinal tract itself unless they are irritating or corrosive. Toxins that are insoluble in the fluids of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, small, and large intestines) are generally excreted. Others that are soluble are absorbed through the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. They are then transported by the blood to internal organs where they can cause damage.
- Injection, toxins may enter the body if the skin is penetrated or punctured by contaminated objects. Effects can then occur as the substance is circulated in the blood and deposited in the target organs.

Once the toxin is absorbed into the body, three other processes are possible: metabolism, storage, and excretion.
Many toxins are metabolized or transformed via chemical reactions in the body.
In some cases, toxins are distributed and stored in specific organs. Storage may reduce metabolism and therefore, increase the persistence of the chemicals in the body.
The various excretory mechanisms, such as exhaled breath, perspiration, urine, feces, or detoxification, rid the body, over a period of time, of the toxin.
For some toxins, elimination may be a matter of days or months; for others, the elimination rate is so low that they may persist in the body for a lifetime and cause deleterious effects.
How To Detox Your Body
By now we know the different kind of toxins and how these toxins get into your body. Some of the toxins can be felt, seen, sensed, and smelled. For this class of toxin, it is easy for us to deal with. Try to avoid contact with this kind of toxins and prevent toxins from entering your body.
The challenge is that for most of people, the toxins around can’t be seen, smelt, touched, or tasted, which does not mean the toxins don’t exist.
Human body has sophisticated systems to eliminate toxins. When the toxins are in a limited amount, your body’s natural detoxification system can effectively eliminate the unwanted substances.
To detox your body, it is important to maintain your natural detoxification system. Here are some examples to rejuvenate your detox system:
- Drink water, if there are toxins in your body, water detoxifies your body by removing toxins through urination, breathing or sweating.
- Quality sleep, sleep allows your brain to reorganize, recharge, and eliminate toxins that accumulate throughout the day.
- Exercises, exercises enhance your detoxification system.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables, such as Beets, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, spirulina, chlorella, and seaweed are excellent detoxifying foods.
- Green tea, cleanse and protect the liver, the most important detox organ in your body.
- Vitamins, help your body to create detox compound, such as glutathione.
- Intermittent fasting, rest the detox organs and remove toxins from your body.
- Mental detox, remove all negative thinking and create a positive attitude to fight against toxins.

Now you know how to detox your body. The Golden Standard for a successful detox is that you are healthy, full of energy, and feel great!
Final Thought
There are numerous toxins around you and in your body. The best way to detox your body is to prevent toxins from entering your body. To enhance your detox capacities, you need to strength your body’s natural detoxification system and improve your overall health by adopting healthy lifestyles.
I had no idea there were 5 ways for toxins to enter your body!
I just presumed it was what we ate and drank! Of course, things can enter by inhalation and through our skin, I just never thought about that. It really does make you wonder what your body puts up with on a daily basis!
Thanks so much for sharing I will certainly be eating more veg and fruit. I personally find meditation really helps to clear my mind of negative thoughts too
You are right that most of us take it for granted we are healthy and as a matter of fact, toxins in the environment enter our body all the time. Good thing is that human being has almost perfect detox system to protect us from hurting.
It is good idea to consistently be aware the potential toxins surround us and take precautions accordingly.
Hello Anthony,
Thank for guiding on Detox Your Body for healthy lifestyle. I learned many things form your post. Anything that is not useful for our body, the human body can respond to as a toxin. There are five routes by which a toxin can enter the body: inhalation, skin absorption, eye absorption, ingestion, and injection.
The best way to detox your body is to prevent toxins from entering your body and adopting healthy life style.
Thank you
Thanks for stopping by.
Wow that is a lot of toxins coming from seems like everywhere, the water, the food, the air and within our body. I like how you said drinking water is a good way to detox, all of us can do that one.
so, how much water do you suggest to drink?
Quality sleep and exercise also help us to detox.
You also mentioned that taking Fresh fruits and vegetables helps to detox us
Do you suggest any natural supplement to take to help detox us?
I heard that Oregano oil was a natural detox.
You are right that water is one of the best and cheapest detox agent. It is also the safest one. Generally, you should drink 2 liter of water a day, but everyone is different. You need to find the optimal amount for your case.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are also detox agents, since they are rich in vitamins and a number of nutrients that assist in detox your body.
If you are healthy, I don’t suggest you to use natural supplements for detoxing. But if you feel sick and you want to enhance your detoxing power, you may take supplement to strength your detoxing capacities. I have a long list of natural supplements that enhance detox power, including the Oregano oil you mentioned. Oregano oil is a powerful antioxidant with a lot of potential functions, such anti-infection, anti-cancer, and pain relief etc.
Hi Anthony,
Thanks a lot for the informative and helpful article.
Indeed, we live in the polluted world in which the Air, Water, Soil, food, and even human mind is polluted. Detoxifying our body is a must and you have provided great insights in this article.
I was shocked when I read the Types of Human Body Toxins, quiet a big list!
You not only discussed about the problem but you have provided the solution as well which is amazing. Drinking more water is on my list for a while but I am not following it. Going forward I am going to implement what I learned from this article and the best thing is… It’s all easily doable.
Yes, drinking water is the cheapest and easiest way to detox your body. You can implement it at your will.
Hello Anthony, such an amazing article you have shared on how to detox our body. I learnt a whole lot from this article. Although I don’t smoke, I usually inhale the smoke from cigarette every single day except on Sundays. This is because I work with a smoker! 🙍🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️ I try as much as I can to reduce the smoke I inhale by changing my location once I see them bringing out a stick to light it up.
Anyways, I am excited about this post because most of the ways to detox are exactly what I have been doing unknowingly to me. I take water a lot, I don’t usually sleep these days because I am chasing after something (I’ll do my best to give myself a better sleep each day) and what amazes me most is being positive minded. I never imagined this would be in the list. I’m a positive minded individual.
All the best!
I am so happy to see that you are in a good position of detoxing yourself. It is simple principle, reducing toxins in and increasing toxins out. You do just like this. Apparently you know that smoking is not a good habit, there are more than thousands toxins released from tobacco smoking.
I can you that you are a positive minded individual, which it the most important factor for you to achieve your detoxing goal.