- Product Name: Multi-Condition Ear Seed Acupressure Kit
- Product Website: Click HERE To Order The Ear Seed Acupressure Kit Now!
- Owner: Dragon Acupuncture
- Overall Rank: 4.7 out of 5.0 Star

The Multi-Condition Ear Seed Acupressure Kit is created based on the Auriculotherapy, also known as auricular therapy, ear acupuncture, or ear acupressure. It is believed that the ear is a microsystem of the entire human body. Human conditions are treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear, which encompasses ear acupuncture points or ear acupressure points for specific circumstances.
When the acupuncture points or acupressure points are stimulated, the smooth and abundant flow of vital life energy are activated and transmitted to the related organ or area, allowing healing to take place.
Ear seeds are tiny enough to sit precisely over the acupressure points. The seed of the vaccaria plant is a Chinese herb and strong stimulant, which promotes blood circulation, opens the energy channels of the body and speeds the healing process.
Product Description and Features

The package comes with the followings:
- 600 counts of 2 mm ear seeds on tan, skin colored self-adhesive tapes.
- Handy ear probe, for locating and treating ear and body points, with small ball tip for comfortable sensation and stimulation.
- Tweezer, for handling the ear seeds patches.
- Ear acupuncture points chart or ear acupressure points chart: 25.9 in x 18.5 in bilingual English/ Chinese ear chart depicting various ear acupressure points and indicating their corresponding body parts.
- eBook, “The Beginner’s Guide to Auricular Therapy” (ISBN-13: 978-1520451398), is simple self-reference guide on how to place ear seeds for 19 common conditions including quit smoking, weight loss, pain relief, and migraine. eBook is not included in the package and will email to your provided email address upon purchase.
How to Use the Product

We take quit smoking as an example to illustrate the procedure on how to use this product. Review the eBook and familiar with the acupressure points for quitting smoking. The following five points are associated with stopping smoking:
- Shen Men: Associated stress, anxiety, and sensitivity
- Kidney: Associated with will power
- Point Zero: Associated with general homeostatic balance
- Lung: Associated with respiratory function
- Nicotine Point: Associated with craving
After familiar with the above information, you start to apply the ear seeds on your ear:
- Use an alcohol swab to thoroughly clean the entire outer ear. Be sure your ears are completely dry before applying the ear seeds.
- Carefully attach the ear seeds to the acupressure points one by one. Have a friend, family member or your acupuncturist help you in the beginning. Once you are familiar with the general landscape and the acupressure
Acupressure Procedure points of the ear, you can perform this task yourself.
- The ear seeds can be worn for 2-4 days each time. The stickers are long-lasting and stay even with showering, swimming and sweating.
- When you feel fine, you don’t need to do anything.
- When you feel anxiety or the urge to smoke, you gently massage the ear seeds on your ear, which is a form of acupressure, to automatically stimulate the points and to promote the release of nicotine factors. You could massage your ear seeds as many times as you like.
- After wearing, remove seeds and allow the skin to rejuvenate for at least 8 hours before using new ear seeds.
- Ear seeds are disposable and should not be reused.
- Be sure to store the seeds in their original packaging and keep out of sunlight as that may break down the adhesive.
- Never place ear seeds inside ear canal.
Ear Seeds Side Effects
Seeds of vaccaria have been using for treatment of many medical conditions thousand years. For the application of ear seeds in the format of this product, there is not reported side effect. When the acupressure points are stimulated by the ear seeds, there is a feel of little sore in the ear, which is normal and indicates that the ear seeds create effective acupressure therapeutic effects.
Benefits of the Products
More than 80% of the users reported that the Multi-Condition Ear Seed Acupressure Kit helped them reducing or quitting smoking. Besides benefit to quit smoking, this product also has effects on the following 18 conditions:
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Stress
Acupressure Points - Insomnia
- Mopia/Enhance vision
- Dizziness,
- Headache/Migraine
- Diabetes
- Constipation
- Gastritis
- Premenstrual Syndromes (PMS)
- Fertility
- Menstrual Cramps
- Menopause
- Neck Pains
- Shoulder Pains
- Lower Back Pains
- Knee pains.
In the eBook, there are descriptions on the acupuncture points or acupressure points for the above conditions. Review them carefully before perform the ear seeds acupressure for the relevant conditions you are going to attack.
The Good and the Bad
The Good
- The product is safe and natural.
Vaccaria Plant - Very much cheap, 600 ear seeds can last about 4 months, the cost of each month is about $5.
- No needles and do not pierce the skin. It is safe and suitable for people who want to experience acupuncture but are needle phobia.
- Using the ear probe, you can detect and locate ear acupuncture points or ear acupressure points easily. With spring inside, the probe won’t press too hard to cause discomfort.
- Large color poster shows the ear acupressure points clearly.
- Besides ears, you can use the ear seeds on other acupressure points on the human body.
- The eBook provides the detailed info on how to place the ear seeds.
- Provide support after you purchase the product and answer any question instantly you have.
The Bad
- In the beginning, it may be not easy to place the ear seeds by yourself. Try to find someone help you. After you are familiar with the acupressure points and take few trials, it will be easy to place the ear seeds on the acupressure points by yourself.
- The tape ear seeds contain latex and cannot be used by those with a latex allergy.
In conclusion, the Multi-Condition Ear Seed Acupressure Kit is safe and effective in assisting those who would like to quit smoking. Besides, it may also help people with 18 other different medical conditions. I strongly recommend this product for people who would like to stop smoking.
Wow, that is truly amazing. I can see many reasons why I would love to test those out. They are much simpler than traditional acupuncture and less invasive. I was scared of acupuncture because of all the needles but this looks like a way to give many of us the benefits without the anxiety. Thanks for the great review!
Hi Melissa, Thank you very much for your comments. It is one of the best quitting smoking approach. It is natural, the seed of the vaccaria plant is totally natural without any treatment; it is safe, there isn’t any safe issue with this kit, and it is effective, most of people tried this kit found it was hopeful for reducing smoking and stopping smoking. I wish there are more people to try this kit.
Anthony, I’ve had experience of acupuncture on my lower and upper back to relieve tension in my muscles, which have been cause of painful backaches. But I could never imagine that our ears contain cpsuch vital pressure points for so many conditions. Nor did I know that such kits like the Acupressure existed to replace the use of needles. As you mention, that’s really useful for those that do not like needles. Also, I can’t believe how cheap the kit is, with all the additional products it contains. I may sound silly in asking this, but I wonder how easy it may be to use the kit on yourself. Do you think it’s possible?
Hi GiuliaB, if you are interested, it is easy for you to use the kit on yourself. There is a eBook: “The Beginner’s Guide to Auricular Therapy” come with the kit. This book introduces the application of acupressure on ears (aka auricular therapy) using ear seeds. It clearly demonstrates ear seed placement at corresponding acupuncture points or acupressure points in detailed pictures for 19 common conditions described above. You may also purchase the eBook at Amazon and here is the link: http://amzn.to/2AQGDDC. Read the eBook before commit to real practice.
I happen to be under a lot of stress lately and my smoking intake has almost doubled. I quit the chewing tobacco , been about 4 months now! I think I’ll try these out when I try to quit smoking again! After my court date . Can you switch ears so you don’t have to Waite 8 hours in between treatments?
Hi Mike, Thanks for your comments and congratulation on your determination to quit smoking. It is not easy task. The ear seeds are one of the safest and cheapest to try. Generally you start with one ear. If you want to have strong outcome, you could perform ear acupressure in both ear in the same time. You are right that if you do acupressure on only one ear, you could perform it on the other ear immediate after ending of the initial ear with acupressure. Good luck with your endeavor and feel free to let me know, if you need any assistance.
Anthony, I used acupuncture several times in the past for several ailments and it worked well. I used to be a 10 – 20 a day smoker several years back but never used acupuncture specifically for this. I wish I gave a it a try for stopping smoking and maybe it would have helped me. For some reason though, several years later I just stopped smoking and have not been back to it. I do believe that acupuncture is worth investing in for those who are serious about stopping smoking. Maybe the acupuncture I had in the past for other ailments I had contributed to me stopping smoking all of a sudden and not going back to it!
Hi Kevin, Thanks for sharing your story and comments. The acupuncture or acupressure is one of the best way to stopping smoking, since they employ natural way, not involving with nicotine. By stimulating the acupuncture points or acupressure points, the exciting agents that are same as those released by nicotine actions are generated to create nicotine high effects. You may be right that acupuncture appoints may have cross actions, meaning that points that are supposed to treat back pains may also generate nicotine effects, assisting your stopping smoking late. Interesting phenomenon!
What a fascinating post. I know a lot of people that have received many benefits from acupuncture. It is amazing to think that something so tiny can provide so many benefits. The fact that it can help 18 different ailments is amazing. Sounds like a great product.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for your supports. Acupuncture or acupressure is a experience field derived from thousand years of trial and errors and works magically in some people. It is 100% nature and no side effects. Anyone interested in this could try himself. Find the relevant points corresponding to your situation and simply pressure the points to gain benefits.
Hi Anthony,
A most interesting post here, I have thought about looking into acupuncture before and am glad I came across your article here. It is fascinating about all of the points in the ear that affect the overall body.
Would something like this help in managing anxiety disorder?
Hi Kim,
Thanks for your interest of this post. You are right that based on on the meridian theory, all energies in the human body are connected. Thus pressure points at ear lead to effective therapeutic effects on other parts of the body.
Yes, there are specific procedures for managing anxiety disorder. If you are interest, here is a reference: http://kcancer.com/2017/09/02/acupressure-powerful-pure-natural-healing/.