Our smoking friends deserve our good wishes and thoughtful gifts. We wish them healthy and happy. In this article, we present some of the best gifts for smokers. The gifts include quit smoking products, books, detox products, and smoking souvenirs.
1. Free eBook On Smoking and Quit Smoking
The first gift is FREE eBook: Rebrand Smoking for A Healthy Choice. This 14 chapter eBook provides an extensive review on the smoking and quit smoking. It rebrands smoking as toxic and non-toxic brands and gives smokers guidance on the choices.
Smokers are fortunately to have numerous alternative to enjoy the healthy magic exciting nicotine, such as:
- Natural Methods, such as acupressure, cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnosis
- Semi-Natural Methods, such as acupuncture and herb
- Nicotine Supplement Products, such as nicotine gum, nicotine lozenge and nicotine patch
- Alternative Smokes, such as smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarette
This FREE eBook provides smokers information to make smart smoking decisions.
Sign up for the FREE eBook NOW!
2. Manifestation Miracle

Manifestation Miracle is a program that provides a blueprint for unlocking the powers of human mind to manifest anything, including quit smoking, you want in your life.
It contains step by step instructions, information, tips, tricks to grab your desires without losing confidence and hope, and support you to take control of the universe using secret laws to develop your life and lifestyle for the better. You will get the chance to prove yourself with a positive attitude, clear thinking and motivates you to manifest your goals and success very quickly. This guide allows you to take advantage of the highest source of energy in the universe and put that power to work in your life.
Here are comments from Manifestation Miracle customers: “Manifestation Miracle has lifted my spirits and calmed my fears. Great material! – Lynn” and “I was going through a very stressful period and decided to purchase manifestation miracle. It gave me the inspiration and help I needed and I was able to successfully overcome my problems. It made a big difference in my life. Thanks! – Aubrey”
Click Here to Learn More about Manifestation Miracle!
3. Car Air Purifier
Homdox Car Air Purifier removes cigarette smoke, odor, smell, and bacteria in the car. It has the capacity of capturing 99.97% of allergens and reducing 99% of odors from smoking, pets, and cooking.
The Air Purifier is lightweight and easy to carry and can also be used at home and outdoors.
Here are customer reviews: “ … I bought this as my son suffers from asthma and seasonal allergies. I have been using this in my car for a month, I am so pleased with this car air purifier. It actually does make the air feel cleaner and my son said he can feel the difference … – Taylor” and “This product is amazing I definitely give it two thumbs up. I’ve shared this with a few friends of mine and they are highly impressed and interested in purchasing a set for themselves as well. After 5 minutes of circulation the quality of air has a dramatic difference with a crisp clean breeze you can inhale and feel the good. Thanks! – The boss”
Purchase the Car Air Purifier Now!
4. Portable Personal Air Purifier
AirTamer Rechargeable Personal Air Purifier A310W is a high performance personal or travel air purifier. AirTamer’s advanced ionic technology emits a constant stream of healthy negative ions that force airborne pollutants away from your personal space and give you a 3-foot sphere of cleaner and healthier air surround you.
The AirTamer cleans the air of atomic sized pollutants, such as smoke, virus, pollen, molds and dust mites. It is silent in operation and extremely energy efficient, and provides 150+ hours of run time on one charge. Airtamer’s design is ultra-compact and incredibly versatile.
Since it is smaller than most MP3 players you can wear it around your neck (strap included) and create a zone of cleaner air while traveling or in poor air quality locations.
Here is customer review of the product: “My husband and I got these for a long flight during the peak of this flu epidemic! We flew from California to Miami and it seemed like everyone on the flight was hacking and blowing their nose – even the man in the seat directly in front of me was coughing toward his window and the wind of his cough was coming right at me behind him! (No, he didn’t cover his mouth either). I can only say that my Husband and I did not catch even the slightest cold, sniffles, or anything to and from our vacation destination. Do these work? I’ll trust this again for sure!
This is important: I researched this before buying on Consumer Reports (I have a membership) and this particular brand is the ONLY one they will even endorse. – Sunshine” and “I absolutely love it. I play pool in the bars. I can’t stand the cigarette smoke. And I don’t even notice it with my Air Tamer on. Now I wear it most of the time. I lay it on my night stand and turn it on at night. My husband smokes and he smells and stops up my nose. Not now!”
Purchase the Portable Personal Air Purifier Now!
5. Golden Lung Tea
Golden Lung Tea Smokers Tea and Lung Powder is an artisan tea powder that is produced through an integrated process created on a small scale production level with a love for researching and understanding plants.

The eleven powders in this tea include Eucalyptus, Oregano, Peppermint, Lobelia, Chapparal, Elecampane, Lungwort, Plantain Leaf, Osha Root, Skullcap, and Cordyceps. Each of these plants have favorable properties that have been tested by time. Chapparal has survived with a longevity of almost 12,000 years now and Osha root is capable of growing up to 5000 feet deep into the ground.
These eleven plants have been blended together in a convenient powdered form so that your body can absorb them completely. This is no ordinary tea. With aromas of the earth, notes of peppermint and hints of oregano, this tea is an uplifting and inspires deeper breathing. It great for smokers and non-smokers.
Here are the customer’s reviews: “I am a smoker and received this tea as a gift. After drinking just 1 cup a day my lungs feel lighter, I can breathe deeper and I am coughing less. I have not quit smoking and I already feel so much better! … – Jennifer Clasby” and “Very delicious! I put a bit of honey in this and OMG sooo good. Feel as if I can breathe deeper after drinking this. If there ever was a magical tea this is it! – Vidmannn”
Purchase the Golden Lung Tea Now!
6. StopSmoking Herb Tea
StopSmoking Herb Tea is one of the best quit smoking aids. It consists of natural stop smoking remedies. The natural quit smoking products provide the best natural way quit smoking. The quit smoking natural remedies are based on the hundred years of testing and proving that they can stimulate the body’s own healing systems and assist the body to heal itself. The ingredients are used at levels that are safe and effective in assisting smoking cessation.
StopSmoking Herb Tea contains all-natural ingredients and acts as holistic way of relieving smokers from nicotine cravings and from symptoms of withdrawal, such as cold sweats, nausea, stuffy head, shortness of breath, increased appetite, irritability, insomnia, stress, pains, and anxiety. It makes smokers feel fresh and clean. It is one of the most effective quit smoking natural remedies in the market.
Purchase the StopSmoking Herb Tea Now!
7. Multi-Condition Ear Seed Acupressure Kit

The Multi-Condition Ear Seed Acupressure Kit is created based on the Auriculotherapy, also known as auricular therapy, ear acupuncture, or ear acupressure. It is believed that the ear is a microsystem of the entire human body. Smoking is treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear, which encompasses ear acupuncture points or ear acupressure points for creating nicotine factor.
When the acupressure points or acupressure points chart are stimulated, the smooth and abundant flow of vital life energy are activated and transmitted brain, releasing stimulants and creating nicotine effects.
Ear seeds are tiny enough to sit precisely over the acupressure points. The seed of the vaccaria plant is a Chinese herb and strong stimulant, which promotes blood circulation, opens the energy channels of the body and speeds the quit smoking process.
Here are customers’ reviews: “Love this product. It’s very easy to understand how to use. The Downloaded that comes with purchase is very easy to understand. Company provided fast service. – Dawn Chandler” and “A great way to get started wirh auricular acupressure. I was looking for a kit like this. The seeds, probe, ebook and poster are all you need. I’ve been applying seeds or metal beads to my ears for over thirty years, and this is the first kit I’ve seen that has everything included. Fast delivery, and a quick response when I contacted the seller. – Howlinfido”
Purchase the Multi-Condition Ear Seed Acupressure Kit Now!
8. Nicotine Replacement Products

Nicotine is the reason for tobacco smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy uses nicotine to replace tobacco smoking and gives you nicotine in the form of patch, gum, or lozenge etc.
NicoDerm CQ is one of the nicotine replacement therapies and is a nicotine patch that sticks directly onto the skin. When used, it allows nicotine to pass through the skin and into the blood, delivering a steady stream of therapeutic nicotine that helps reduce smoker’s cravings for cigarettes, thus assists in stopping smoking.
Here is customer’s comment on NicoDerm CQ: “This and the other step down works fantastically well. I have gone down from 40 cigs s day to 5-10 cigs. I used Step 1 for 8 weeks, currently am about to finish my step 2… Hopefully step 3 will help reduce the daily cigs to 3 or less. – Anup”
Purchase the Nicotine Patch Now!
Nicorette Nicotine Gum is one of the nicotine replacement therapies and is a chewing gum specially formulated with nicotine. When chewing the gum, it allows nicotine to pass through the mouth and into the blood, delivering a steady stream of therapeutic nicotine that helps reduce smoker’s cravings for cigarettes, thus assists in stopping smoking.
Here is customer’s comment on Nicorette Nicotine Gum: “Was a chain smoker for the past 10+ years and did not think quitting was actually an option. After one box of the 4mg and one box of the 2mg and a little will power ive been smoke free for 2 months. Would def. suggest this product to anyone trying to quit! – Amazo”
Purchase the Nicotine Gum Now!

Nicorette Nicotine Lozenge is one of the nicotine replacement therapies and is a tablet specially formulated with nicotine. When placing the lozenge in the mouth, it allows nicotine to dissolve slowly, pass through the mucus of the mouth and enter into the blood, delivering a steady stream of therapeutic nicotine that helps reduce smoker’s cravings for cigarettes, thus assists in stopping smoking.
Here is customer’s comment on Nicorette Nicotine Lozenge: “If you are trying to stop smoking, I promise this works! Though a nicotine replacement, it allows you to go from 4mg to their 2mg choice when you aren’t craving them anymore. – Vanessa”
Purchase the Nicotine Lozenge Now!
9. Quit Smoking Magic

Quit Smoking Magic is program created by Mike Avery, who was an avid smoker for about 20 years. Based on the Cognitive Behavior Therapy, the program focuses on changing thinking patterns on smoking. Once you have changed the way you think and feel about smoking, a change in your behavior, quit smoking, should follow.
It is one the safest, cheapest, and effective way to quit smoking.
Here are Testimonials of the Program Users: “If you have lost hope to quit, this program also for you. It’s not only for those who want to free their self from smoke, but also apply to whom are not willing to quit”. – Tom and “The benefits of this product are massively unlimited and transform lives in ways one cannot begin to imagine. It is a straightforward and easy program to follow as the guides have been made in the simplest possible form. The most amazing thing about Quit Smoking Magic is that there are absolutely no side effects and it is absolutely natural”. – Scott
Purchase the Quit Smoking Magic Now!
10. Truth About Hypnosis

Hypnosis is concentrated relaxation and allows a person to relax, while focusing on a particular problem or desired result. It’s not just relaxing or falling asleep. During hypnotherapy, you relax your mind and body, moving past the guard of your conscious mind, to the subconscious mind. Your conscious mind constantly edits, grades and judges your thoughts and inputs. Your subconscious mind is a sponge waiting to absorb whatever you give it. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination. Therefore, if you can get past the locked gates of your conscious mind to your subconscious mind, you can feed the subconscious “imagined reality.” So if you can imagine yourself as a non-smoker, your subconscious mind will accept that as reality.
The Truth About Hypnosis takes holistic approach on quitting smoking. The program suggests having extensive training on hypnosis first. After acquiring the knowledge of hypnosis, specific platforms are employed to treat individual problems. There is a specific hypnosis program for quitting smoking.
Click Here to Learn More about the Truth About Hypnosis!
11. Red Tea Detox
The Red Tea Detox is a digital product that you can instantly downloaded and read on any device. It is created by Liz Swann Miller, who is a six-time best-selling author with over 10 years of experience as a practicing naturopath.
After many years of hard working, she created the Red Tea Detox program, which is presented in her book: Red Tea Detox, that contains three sections, diet, exercise, and willpower.
Besides the book, you will also get the following four free bonuses:
- 100 Great-tasting Smoothie Fat-loss Recipes
- Effortless Weight Loss Hypnosis
- The Ultimate Superfood Guide for Super Health
- The 5 Detox Methods of Famous Celebrities
For $37, you get the complete information on how to detox your body. it is a great deal!
Click Here to Order the Red Tea Detox Program!
Please note the Red Tea described in the book is not included in the book order. You need to place separate order for it. Here is one of the suggested red tea by author, Red Rooibos. Please Click HERE to order this red tea.
Oh this is great, there are so many ways that smoking affects our homes, cars, environments – I really like all these gift ideas for people who’ve stopped smoking, especially the car air purifier!
Dear Penelope, Thanks for your comment. There are a lot of gift ideas for cigarette smokers. You are right that the most important gift is the product that could help cigarette smoker quit smoking.
This is a great article. I like how all of the gifts are methods to get the individual to quit smoking. These are very insightful gift ideas.
Hi Chad, Thanks for the encouragement. The gifts for stopping smoking are life-saving products. I wish all of us could give one or two quitting smoking gifts to our friends to make world with less cigarette smokers.
Awesome Post! I love all these gift ideas. I think these gift are the best ideas for an individual to stop smoking. Especially the classes online. It is a hard habit to kick but, with all these gift ideas I believe it would be a lot easier for someone to manage. Your site is very nice and I enjoy reading your articles! Job Well Done! Great Articles…I will have to share this, somebody may need to read this article. Thanks
Hi Lakisha, Thanks for your comment and encouragement. The best gift to smokers is to support them to quit smoking. The online quit smoking class is free and the class is self-study. The other gifts are also help smoker friend healthy and happy. Please share with your friend.
Anthony, this is a great read, not to mention downright helpful for smokers. The bronze ashtray seemed a little out of place. Perhaps, I missed something there.
Hi Tanya, Thanks for the comment. As new smoking technology, such as electronic cigarettes, become more and more popular, the cigarette smoking may be disappeared in 5 to 10 years from now. The ashtray may be gone. It is good time now to collect a piece of history: 1. This Bronze Ashtray Sculpture was casted using the “Lost Wax Method” which has been around for thousands of years; 2. It is 100% bronze and is handmade; 3. It i signed by Olaf Odegaard; 4. There are limited editions of the sculpture; 5.The sculpture clearly indicates that all dirty from tobacco smoking are entering the history.
When I first popped it open and saw the quit smoking course I was almost disappointed! I thought it would only be courses for quitting. My friend only smokes once a great while, but he loves to have the paraphernalia around when the mood strikes him. I really like the ash tray you recommended!
Hi Craig, The quit smoking online course is free and thus list in the top of the list. Tell friend the free gift. There are so many choices to enjoy the gift from nature. The worst choice is tobacco smoking, which come with thousands of toxic substances. Otherwise, any of the choices in the following link should be fine: https://rebrandsmoking.com/non-toxic-smoking
Thanks for a great list of gift ideas, Anthony! I recently met someone who smokes. Not a chain smoker. Just ‘socially’. And that, to me, is sad enough already. We do want people we care about to stop smoking, don’t we?
I see a few items here that may be good as gifts to this new friend. To help stop smoking. Once again, thanks! 🙂
Hi, Thanks for your comments. Yes, the best gift to your friend is the one assisting him quit smoking. Let me know, if you need further assistance in selecting gift for your friend.
Hi, that’s fun to see what you suggest as gifts for smokers. I am a smoker and for me, the coffee mug was the first I would like to get. After that came the tea and now, I think I tell my wife to get that one.
Hi Stefan Smart choice! The Husband Travel Mug are both personal and functional, which will also remind you to quit smoking some day soon because you love your wife more than smoking!
I love the offers you put up where people can get help, its so nice to see those free offers
Hi Jim, Thanks for your visit our site. Yes there are some free offers, such as free quit smoking online class: https://rebrandsmoking.com/quitsmoking.
I like the car air purifier. I have asthma and this may help me in my life. I just moved so I am experiencing new allergies and this may have an effect for me.
Hi Brittaney, Homdox Car Air Purifier is one of the best car air purifier and it is also portable. You can carry the air purifier with you. It is very effective and remove 99,9% allergen from the environment, which is good to prevent your allergies.
Dear Anthony.
Great detailed post and so many suggestions on “Best Gifts for Cigar Smokers and Cigarette Smokers”. Plan to provide these types of gifts to my friends on their celebrations which will be a greater help and will make lot of sense. Thanks.
Your Friend,
Hi Paul,
Thanks for caring your friends. It is a comprehensive list from which you will find something fitting for your friends. If you need something specific and it is not in the list, please let me know. I will try my best to find it and meet your needs. Best wishes to your smoking friends.
This article is an eye opener for me. I had no idea that is that many gift ideas for people that smoke. I love the article, so informative. I will definitely be sharing this with my smoker friends. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Hong,
Thanks for your encouragement. Smokers nowadays are fortunately to have so many supports, not only from the quit smoking products, but also from smoking detox products. Thanks for your sharing this post with your friends.
Hello Anthony, I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. I am glad I stumbled upon your article because I was looking to get some gifts for my close friends who are smokers. You give some great ideas and I will definitely get some of these products. Thank you a lot for sharing.
It is nice of you supporting your smoking friend in a positive way.
Hi Anthony
Thank you for taking time to prepare this post about quitting smoking. You have articulated well without condemning anyone. To all smokers there are range of solutions out there. I am fortunate that i do not smoke, but like how you have clarified the danger of smoking. The recommended products are so relevant. Well done.
You are absolutely right that smokers have a lot of choices. We need to help them to make the best choices for themselves.
Hey thank you for the awesome post! My father in law smokes a lot, and I think some of these gifts would be great. The car humidifier would probably be the thing he would like best. It looks ver modern and sleek, and something he would like to have for sure! Of course, I would have to ask my wife, as she knows him better than me haha!
Thanks for your caring.
Thank you for taking time to share information about the risk of smoking. You also provided the products relevant to the topic. I have learned a lot about smoking. Even though i do not smoke, there is still hope for people to live Healthy. I have also learned how to recommend relevant products to the readers like what i have seen in the post. Job well done.
It is nice to hear that the information is useful for you.
What a thoughtful gifts! I used to be a smoker too and I know it is hard to quit so what I did was I quit it cold turkey and made myself busy and it worked somehow. unfortunately many of my friends are still a smoker, I guess no one is the same right? The portable air purifier is a nice touch and will totally share your free ebook. Thanks!
Congratulation on your quitting smoking. It is not an easy task, particularly in a way of cold turkey. Next step is that you need to detox your body, since you smoke for sometime, there are a lot of toxins from smoking.
There are many ways to detox your body. If you want to learn more, here is a reference: https://rebrandsmoking.com/what-is-holistic-detox
Hello Anthony,
Thanks a lot for this article, rather than show love, we criticize people with some certain habits. This criticism does not translate to remodeling this individual, rather we destroy their self-image.
Once again thank you for this article; it is a show of love with an in-depth desire to correct the attitude. The ebooks, Manifestation Miracle Program, Air Purifiers, and even Stop Smoking Herb Tea are all preselected products targeted at correction.
You are absolutely right that criticism is the worst way to help smokers quitting smoking. To engage with smokers, we need to understand smokers and let smokers making the best choice. Presenting gift for our smoking friends is one of the best ways to open the communication with our smoking friends.
Great choice of gifts! I have an uncle who’s totally addicted to smoking, he’s tried numerous times to stop without any success. Suffice to say, his house, car and kids all smell really strong of smoke. I think all of these gifts are ideal for him. The trouble is choosing which one!
What a timely post! My grandfather is in remission from bladder cancer caused by smoking. His doctor has told him that there is a ridiculously high probability of reoccurrence if he continues smoking. He wants to quit but has smoked for so long that he is really struggling. We will definitely have to try some of the gifts you recommended related to quitting smoking to see if that helps!
Thank you for sharing!
Wow this is amazing to see all the things available for our smoking friends. I’m not a smoker myself, but my girlfriend is quite a heavy smoker. She has managed to quit completely 2 years ago and was smoke free for about 9 months, but then the people around her kind of got her on it again with them smoking too. She used the NicoDerm patches last time, so I think I will look at getting her some of those again and also see if I can get her to try the stops moking herb tea as she likes her hot drinks. Thank you for this information.
There are many products to assist you to stop smoking. Although neither of them can 100% guarantee success, a quit smoking product can considerably relieve the cessation process. Nicotine gums are extensively used products by ex-smokers. These gums contain nicotine that is released in your body when chewing the gum. Each time you feel like you want to light up a cigarette, you just get a gum.
Thanks for putting such a great list together in your post. I’d try the patches and the Nicotine Gum. There’re some other options that wouldn’t fit my lifestyle (as I use to swim 4 times every week, the ear kit acuepreasure kit wouldn’t be for me just because of that).
I love tea making, that’s why tea related options will be a possible trial to me too.
I’ve been able to reduce the daily cigarettes from 15 to 3 replacing most of them with gum chewing and a big cigar smoking at the middle of the day. I’ve improved a lot, but I’m still far away from my goal of quit smoking by 2020 (as it has arrived already and I’m still doing it).
No great healthy issues to report, but we need to move forward in life, no backwards.
Thanks for this new arsenal of weapons against my Nicotine addiction.
Smoking is one of the hardest addictions to quit. I know many people who have tried just about everything. Thank you for providing some answers for those looking to break free from their addiction. My father smoked for 30 years, then was able to quit. He still ended up passing away from a lung related illness at the age of 65. The great thing about the internet is that it gives access to information and products that can help people who are looking to eliminate these harmful types of addictions from their lives. Your website is a great resource; I will send your link to my uncle and everyone else I know dealing with this problem.
Hey Anthony, These are really very awesome gifts for smokers like my grand father. Each gifts are useful but I like Portable Personal Air Purifier and Golden Lung Tea. I am going to buy these for my grandfather. Now he is facing breath problem. Quit Smoking Magic is program created by Mike Avery is very helpful for smokers.