- Product Name:
- Nicorette mini Nicotine Lozenge, Stop Smoking Aid, 4 mg, Mint Flavor, 81 count.
- Nicorette mini Nicotine Lozenge, Stop Smoking Aid, 2 mg, Mint Flavor, 81 count.
- Product Website:
- 4 mg Product: Click HERE To Order The Nicotine Lozenge Now!
- 2 mg Product: Click HERE To Order The Nicotine Lozenge Now!
- Owner: Glaxo Smith Klein
- Overall Rank: 4.4 out of 5.0 Star
Nicotine is the reason for tobacco smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy uses nicotine to replace tobacco smoking. Nicorette Nicotine Lozenge is one of the nicotine replacement therapies and is a tablet specially formulated with nicotine. When placing the lozenge in the mouth, it allows nicotine to dissolve slowly, pass through the mucus of the mouth and enter into the blood, delivering a steady stream of therapeutic nicotine that helps reduce smoker’s cravings for cigarettes, thus assists in stopping smoking.
Product Description and Features

There are two strength levels of Nicorette Nicotine Lozenge, 4 mg and 2 mg. Each contains 81 pieces of lozenge. The Lozenge comes in a bold and refreshing mint flavor.
How to Use the Product
Smokers who choose the Nicorette Nicotine Lozenge need to have strong motivation of stopping smoking. The 4 mg strength is recommended for smokers who smoke the first cigarette within 30 minutes of waking up, and the 2 mg strength is for those who smoke the first cigarette more than 30 minutes after waking up. The program last for twelve weeks:
- Don’t use tobacco smoking after starting the program.
- In general, take nine pieces of lozenge per day, or one piece every 1-2 hours, or when cravings occur, for the first six weeks of the program.
- Don’t eat or drink 15 minutes before or while you’re taking Nicorette Nicotine Lozenge.
Nicotine Lozenge Side Effects
The active ingredient in Nicorette Nicotine Lozenge is a low therapeutic dose of nicotine. The side effects of nicotine lozenge are minimal and include hiccups, heartburn, nausea, or other stomach problems. Side effects seem to be the worst at 4 mg strength, so you may want to switch to 2 mg strength if you experience intolerable negative side effects.
Benefits of the Product
Some Nicorette Nicotine Lozenge users reported that it helped them diminish cigarette cravings, reduce or stop tobacco smoking.
The Good and the Bad
The Good
- The product is safe.
- The product is effective in assisting smokers reduce or stop smoking.
- Easy to use.
- Offer a refreshing mint flavor.
- Release a relatively steady dose of nicotine throughout the day.
- The medicine continues after the lozenge dissolves for long-lasting relief from cravings.
- Gradually adjust to receiving less nicotine until you no longer need any at all. By helping relieve cravings, the lozenge enables you to manage the triggers that link cigarettes to your daily activities.
- Nicorette Nicotine Lozenges triples the chances of quitting smoking.
- Provide a stop smoking option for people who prefer not to or cannot chew nicotine gum.
- Offers smokers a practically unnoticeable quit smoking aid.
- The product is manufactured by Glaxo Smith Klein, a pioneer and leader in the nicotine lozenge industry.
The Bad
- Smokers need to have strong motivation to quit smoking and have a detailed action plan for the entire program.
- Some users addict to nicotine lozenge.
In conclusion, only limited users are addictive to the Nicorette Nicotine Lozenge. It is safe and effective for most of the users who have strong wills to quit smoking. I strongly recommend this product for those who would like to stop smoking.
I used the lozenges and they do work. You have to be careful to not get addicted. These things are best for people who seriously want to quilt and a counseling or online support group would be helpful too. If you want to quit smoking these lozenges can help. Good info here
Hi David, Thanks for sharing your experience. It is good idea to counsel quit smoking expert before you start the program. Most of the counseling program are free, providing phone counsel or online short courses. To avoid addiction, follow the program procedure, reduce the Lozenge amount gradually and finally stop use the Lozenge.
what’s the success rate on people who use this product?
Good question. Based on the manufacturer Glaxo Smith Klein, the Lozenge has 3 times or 300% higher chance of quit smoking compare to placebo.
Hi Anthony,
Very good article. I like how you state that the smoker must have a strong desire to quit smoking because without that, no product can help with cessation.
How do you feel about these vs. vaping products? Currently I am a vape user and I love it! It’s nothing like smoking and is way more safe for overall health and really does aid in cessation. What are your thoughts?
Thanks and happy holidays!
Hi Michael, Thanks for sharing your experience and comments. You are right that Lozenge usage is totally controlled by smokers who need determination to quit. It is essential that smoker have pre-determined plan and follow the plan accordingly.
Vaping products are nice products. They are much safer than the tobacco smoking and they feel, look, and taste like a cigarette. Based on the current data, it is fine for smokers to enjoy smoking this way.
Great information! What does happen if someone is taking the lozenges and then smokes? Would this make you sick or it just won’t work? I think this is an expensive alternative for those that don’t want to get a prescription or cannot take a specific prescription. If this program is 12 weeks, that would be close to $300 vs. your copay on a prescription medication.
Hi Tiffany, Thanks for your comment. It is fine if someone use lozenge and cigarette in the same time. If use both, try best to stop use of cigarette and continue lozenge. It is relatively expensive program, but GSK occasionally has discount on the lozenge and try to find program that save money.
Hi Anthony, I’m sure the nicotine lozenge is effective but as you have rightly said, smokers need to have strong motivation to quit smoking. The psychological barrier is possibly the toughest to break.
Have you thought about vaping as an alternative means to break the habit? This trend seems to becoming more popular.
Hi Abdusalam, Thanks for your comments. You are right that will-power is number factor to quit smoking. In order to achieve success in quitting smoking, the smokers must have determination to do so. There is program called Manifestation Miracle training human mind to manifest effectively, https://rebrandsmoking.com/10-gifts-for-cigarette-smokers. This could be the good starting point.
Vape is a alternative mean of smoking. Based on current knowledge, it is safe to use it. Since it contains nicotine and it looks, feels, and tastes like a cigarette, it is nice way to enjoy smoking, but may not good way to quit smoking.
I am not sure a replacement is of much benefit unless it is a program like the patches where it slowly weans the user off of nicotine. And like you said, for that to work they have to have a strong will and want to quit. My worry is people trading the smoking for the lozenge. Reports say it is a low number, but so do doctors when it comes to prescribing opioid pills.
Hi Brittaney,
You raise a very good concern that how could you replace nicotine with nicotine, that is smokers addict to tobacco smoking due to the nicotine and the lozenge is a nicotine product. First, lozenge is much safer than tobacco smoking, which contains thousands toxin. Second, there are different nicotine lozenge and it is possible to gradually reduce the nicotine level in lozenge to quit smoking. Third, based on current knowledge, nicotine has no significant detrimental effects on human health. It is okay to use lozenge, since it is much better that tobacco smoking.