Dance Until It Rains!

Dance Until It Rains is an amazing book that will show you the power of persistence through the lives of some ordinary (but very special) people.

Bob Proctor says “these stories will help deposit the habit of persistence deep in the treasury of your sub-conscious mind. When You’re Thinking About Giving Up On Your Dream, Just Dance Until It Rains!”

Reading these stories over and over will help deposit the habit of persistence deep in the treasury of your sub-conscious mind.

W Mitchell has lost his fingers and most of his body is paralyzed. Bound to a wheelchair, his once-burned face resembles a Halloween mask. That hasn’t been enough to keep him from co-founding a $65 million company, serving as mayor of his community, and saving a mountain!

Becky Guinn has a different challenge — she lost her hands and feet — but that hasn’t stopped this artist from painting and her passion — teaching art to her students.

Bill Porter has all of his body parts — they just don t always work right — because of a lifetime of cerebral palsy. However, that apparently never entered his mind as he became the top salesman in his company with a daily routine so grueling that it would cause all but the most persistent to wither.

These are just three of the seventeen great examples of everyday persistence that are to be found between the covers of Dance Until It Rains.

No obstacle is too big for the person whose heart is bigger! Dance Until It Rains is a book filled with inspiring stories of ordinary people who achieved extraordinary results because they overcame their obstacles with faith, determination and tenacity.

Read it to spur yourself to greatness now!

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